
The Real Truth Behind Reiki

The Real Truth Behind Reiki

Reiki is one of the easiest methods available in modern society, to rid oneself of emotional, physical, mental, and other ailments. But there is one vital aspect to it – it needs regular practice. No matter how many levels you have learned, you can be a very effective healer only if your daily practice is vigorous.

The Importance of Daily Practice

Many seem to have a perception that the attunement is a very powerful thing and removes all blocks. This is untrue. All the attunement does is bringing back your connection to the source. If you don’t practice on a regular basis, this connection eventually fades off. Some teachers think that once a person is attuned to Reiki, he or she is attuned forever. This has not been my experience, because we are born with an incredibly strong connection to the source, and we even lose that. My understanding was further resistant when I learned that Mikao Usui also used to persuade multiple attunements.

Everything is temporary in this world, and undeniably not something as subtle as an attunement. Few people do retain this connection to a little extent and are able to heal other people through touch without having learned Reiki. This is too normal, and I think learning Reiki would still benefit such public as it provides a structure to work with.

In my experience, a daily self-healing practice of minimum 30-40 minutes is mandatory. If you’ve had a difficult day, it is extremely vital to practice Reiki, and I recommend staggering the self-healing into multiple parts, and doing some chakras at a time throughout the day, to compensate for the lack of time.

Keep the Focus on Yourself

Reiki makes life very easier, but one place where people can hesitate is while trying to fix others through Reiki. The external is not anything but just a reflection of your inner self. If you have an issue, ask Reiki to help you heal so that you can learn the lesson which life is trying to teach you. If your main attention is on trying to fix the problem, you could practice Reiki for many years and still fail to learn some of the basic spiritual lessons that Reiki has to offer.

Heal the World

Heal the Earth as well as its inhabitants regularly. You can do this even if you are a level 1 healer. Just pick a stone to symbolize the earth, mentally request it to send all this energy to the whole earth, keep it between your palms and heal it every day. It would be better if the stone is from a forest or village.

Healing the world not only benefits the world you live in but it also indirectly benefits you. Since the earth attracts inside a lot of energy, it widens your channel and keeps it clean. You receive an abundance of healing for yourself while you heal the world.

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