The First Vowel In Your Name Says A Lot About You
A numerologist focuses on the letters in your birth name as well. Each and every letter is assigned numeric value which gives a predictable vibration around it. Below are the alphabets with their numerical vibration associated with it.
Each and every vowel vibrates at a different vibration. The first vowel lets you know the core of who you are. Other people might not always see these qualities but you can secretly identify them.
- A
- E
- I
- O
- U
- Y
The alphabet “A” vibrates with the energy of the number 1. When you have the A as your first vowel in the name, your tendency is to respond to the world in a rather impulsive yet creative way. You find yourself as hardworking and driven. You have a need to be acknowledged and you succeed with positive feedback. You will many times work harder and be more accountable to someone outside of yourself. You want to make a difference the moment you’re here! You have an urge to be independent, original, and number one at whatever you do. This might lead to an overly excessive need for perfection.
The first vowel in your name can give you and those around you a good idea of how you respond to events and experiences in your life. It gives you an outlook of the inner you. If the first vowel in your name is letter “E” you tend to respond to people around you with enthusiasm, energy and excitement. The goal is to always maintain sense of freedom. You may react quickly but never under estimate your instinctive and intuitive ability. You have a sensuous enthusiasm for life. You love food and might suffer addictions that could involve anything from food, alcohol, drugs, and anything. You can easily get emotionally drained by the world.
The alphabet “I” vibrates to the energy of the number 9. When you have the letter “I “as the first vowel in your name, you have a tendency to respond to the other people like an old soul who carries too much of soulful wisdom with them. You move toward things with responsibility as well as compassion. You have an immense memory and are just like an elephant, if you are crossed you never forget. You have experiences around of letting go and forgiveness. You sometimes even experience challenges with your family. You might feel a huge sense of responsibility towards them. You often feel guilty when no guilt is there. You should be outdoors in nature.
The letter “O” vibrates the energy of the number 6. When you have the alphabet “O” as your first vowel, you have the tendency to respond to the people with contradiction. You might appear humble yet at the same time you can be strong-willed. You can also be independent yet powerless. The number 6 energy can make you wise yet self-righteous at the same time. You are protective about your friends as well as family with a huge need to be of service to others. You have challenges around your sense of responsibility towards friends and especially your family. You might become annoyed when others make demands of you and yet they don’t listen to your advice. You need to know about establishing balance in your life.
The letter “U” vibrates at the energy of the number 3. When you have the alphabet “U” as first vowel, you have a tendency to respond to the people with a sense of humor. You are a great communicator. Write! Speak! Sing! Find your voice! You often search for spiritual enlightenment and respond to life with energy and spontaneity. You are extremely creative but need to find ways to express yourself. You have so many creative ideas “downloading” all the time that you sometimes lose your focus.
There are times when a traditional vowel does not come in your first name. For instance “Lynn” or “Wyman”. In this case the letter “Y” is the vowel observed by a Numerologist and it is the letter that vibrates to the vibration of the number 7. When you have the letter “y” as the first vowel in your name, you have a very fine as well as analytical mind. You many a times over think things which may cause you to doubt your decisions. You are generally more of a spiritual person as compared that to a religious one. You are quite sensitive, especially to criticism. You wound deeply as you have difficulty in expressing your emotions. You trust most people but you have difficulty trusting yourself.